Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Goodnight Mr. Tom

Goodnight Mr. Tom Mr. Tom He is a bit gruff, but care in the end. He is mostly a loner but opens his he trick, when Willie arrives. William beech Scared, abused child who comes to stay with Mr. Tom during the war and later finds expose the true feeling of family. Afraid of the belt. George A friend of Wills at comminuted Weirwold. Carrie A friend of Willie, who is fiercely independent and later goes on to imitate high school. Zack An outgoing, funloving son who is also an evacuee from London staying with a Little Wierwold family. A loyal friend who helps William come out of his shell.Ginnie Carries sister. Annie Hartridge The beautiful and kind school teacher with violet blue eyes and a single long sandy braid. Has a baby, just by and by Willie starts in her class. Mrs. Fletcher Caretaker for Mr Toms house. Geoffrey An artist living in Spooky Cott after his cartridge clip at Dunkirk. Recognizes Willies drawing talent and becomes his art mentor. Emilia Thorne Williams second teacher. Later develops a relationship with Geoffrey. Mrs. Clarence A old wo populace living in Salmouth, who takes Mr Tom, Willie and Zach in for their holidays. Dobbs Mr.Toms horse. Rachel Mr. Toms wife who died shortly after childbirth. After her death, Mr. Tom shut himself away from anyone who reminded him about her. Mrs. Black Mr. pubic hair Nance Mrs. Miller Mr. Peters Christine Trudy Mrs. Beechs surprise baby. Later dies of mistreatment and malnutrition. Charlie Rudd A local anesthetic warden of Deptford. Shows Mr Tom Willies house and assists in the rescue. Setting England Little Weirwold The village Willie is evacuated to. Deptford Willies headquarters town. Mr. Oakley later travels there. Expressions Wizzo Expression akin to Neato or Great Calloo Callay Originally from Lewis Carrolls Jabberwockey, Calloo Callay is an feeling of joy and excitement. Theme Power of Love Summary Abused boy goes to live with grumpy old man in the county because of war. Boy becomes happy, m an becomes nice Willie Beech is evacuated to stay with Mr Tom, where they bond after time. After time Mr Tom willingly adopts him. Quotes He called me Dad, he whispered croakily into the darkness. He called me Dad. And, although he felt overwhelmed with happiness, the tears ran silently down his face. Mr Tom (or Mr. Oakley)

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